Media Center

We focus on the 5 essential literacies for students success: reading, content-area literacy, information literacy, digital/technology literacy, and media literacy.
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Library Mission Statement
The media programs at Baldwin Elementary School will support the following beliefs:
Promote teaching for learning by participating in collaboration, providing literacy instruction, and encourage critical thinking
Promote literacy and reading for the purpose of learning, personal growth, and enjoyment
Provides access to physical, digital, and virtual information
Advocate for library program to all stakeholders
Provide a positive learning environment that focuses on student learning and achievement
Plan, develop, implement, and evaluate library programs, resources, and services in support of the mission of the library.
The school library media program will exist as the hub of the school itself; it will represent the correlating and supportive component of the overall educational program. With flexible scheduling, through cooperative planning, and with an awareness of the curriculum, the school library media specialist will support and extend classroom instruction. To ensure that every young person experiences an equal and effective educational opportunity, officials will provide each school with library media facilities, professional and support personnel, and quality resources to meet curriculum needs. With proper funding, appropriate materials will be procured and made available for all school patrons, regardless of physical or academic ability. The media center will be a multimedia classroom where patrons are instructed in the use of print and non-print materials and will be encouraged and assisted to access, evaluate, and utilize information. The school library media program will also instill in students a love of reading, both for pleasure and personal growth, as it strives to develop a collection of quality literature.
We are open each school day from 7:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m.
The media center maintains a flexible schedule for book circulation. Kindergarten and First graders may check out one book at a time, and Second through Fifth graders may check out two books at a time. Each class visits the library on a regular basis for instruction in information literacy skills and story-time.